
Early Literacy Research Library (ELRL)


The Early Literacy Research Library (ELRL) is a repository of research and resources developed to support investigators, policy makers, clinicians, and other advocates involved in the integration of early literacy strategies into pediatric primary care to facilitate early relational health and early childhood development.

Research articles included in the ELRL include a variety of study design and publication types related to the following core topics:

• Reach Out & Read (ROR)
• Early Literacy
• Early Relational Health
• Shared Reading
• Pediatric Primary Care

Article Search Tags may be applied to narrow your ELRL searches based on core topic, study design, article type, population characteristics, exposures, outcomes, and metrics. Additional information about metrics and measures referenced by ELRL articles can be found on the Library Metrics page. Articles linked with additional materials contributed by authors (ie. infographics, slide decks, and secondary media articles) are noted by “★”.

The ELRL is updated on an ongoing basis to include the most recent research published about the library’s core topics. To suggest additional research articles for inclusion in the library, please utilize the Submission Form linked below. To share all other feedback about the ELRL, please utilize the Feedback Form linked below.

Core Topics

Study Design

Population Characteristics

Exposure, Outcomes, Other



Orr, J.E., Baker, S., Schirling, E., Sanders, L., Huffman, L., Mendoza, F. (2000) A Book a Day Keeps the Doctor Away: A Look at the Implementation and Effects of 911±¬ÁÏÍø, a Pediatric Clinic-Based Early Literacy Promotion Program. Lucille Packard Foundation for Children's Health and Stanford Graduate Fellowship Program, 1-46.
Study Description: Cross-sectional, quasi-experimental study.
Core Topic(s): 911±¬ÁÏÍø (ROR)
Szumlas, G.A., Petronio, P., Mitchell, M.J., Johnson, A.J., Henry, T.R., DeWitt, T.G. (2021) A Combined 911±¬ÁÏÍø and Imagination Library Program on Kindergarten Readiness. Pediatrics, 147(6), e2020027581.
Journal: Pediatrics
Study Description: Quasi-experimental intervention study.
Core Topic(s): 911±¬ÁÏÍø (ROR)
Jimenez, M.E., et al. (2023) A Mixed-Methods Investigation Examining Site-level Variation in 911±¬ÁÏÍø Implementation. Academic Pediatrics, In Press, Corrected Proof.
Journal: Academic Pediatrics
Study Description: Convergent mixed-methods design.
Core Topic(s): 911±¬ÁÏÍø (ROR)
Hutton, J.S., Huang, G., Sahay, R.D. et al. (2020) A Novel, Composite Measure of Screen-Based Media Use in Young Children (ScreenQ) and Associations with Parenting Practices and Cognitive Abilities. Pediatric Research, 87, 1211–1218.
Journal: Pediatric Research
Study Description: Psychometric assessment.
Core Topic(s): Early Literacy
Wu, S.C., Lue, H., Tseng, L. (2012) A Pediatric Clinic-Based Approach to Early Literacy Promotion - Experience in a Well-Baby Clinic in Taiwan. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association, 111(5), 258-264.
Journal: Journal of the Formosan Medical Association
Study Description: Controlled intervention study.
Williams, A.A., Johnson, E.E. (2021) A Programmatic Evaluation of School Preparedness for Latinx Children and Families: A Partnership Program. Hispanic Health Care International: The Official Journal of the National Association of Hispanic Nurses, 20(4), 231-237.
Journal: Hispanic Health Care International
Study Description: Quality improvement.
Core Topic(s): Early Literacy
Coetzee, T., Moonsamy, S., Neille, J. (2023) A Shared Reading Intervention: Changing Perceptions of Caregivers in a Semi-Rural Township. South African Journal of Communication Disorders, 70(1), 948.
Journal: South African Journal of Communication Disorders
Study Description: Qualitative
Core Topic(s): Shared Reading
Erol, D., Cengiz, G.Åž.T. (2022) An Analysis of the Relationship between the Mothers Physical Behaviors through the Shared Reading Activities, and Their Opinions about the Process. Journal of Kirsehir Education Faculty, 23(3), 2702-2744, 43.
Study Description: Mixed-Methods
Core Topic(s): Shared Reading
Silverstein, M., Iverson, L., Lozano, P. (2002) An English-Language Clinic-Based Literacy Program is Effective for a Multilingual Population. Pediatrics, 109(5), 1-6.
Journal: Pediatrics
Study Description: Before/after comparative study of 2 cross-sectional groups.
Core Topic(s): 911±¬ÁÏÍø (ROR)
Salley, B., Neal, C., McGovern, J., Fleming, K., Daniels, D. (2022) An Exploration of Ready, Set, Share A Book! Intervention for Enhancing Parent Book Sharing with Infants and Toddlers. Early Childhood Education Journal.
Journal: Early Childhood Education Journal
Study Description: RCT
Core Topic(s): Shared Reading